Sunday, June 9, 2024

the more you, you are??

 I am a big fan of Trevor Noah, his book, his shows or comedy i just love it, he has an amazing way to describe any situations and i just end up laughing!!

Today, i heard a sentence the more you you are , the fewer people you will get around you, the more standard you are you will attract a bunch of people, but may be for a shorter time.

who can really afford to be himself 100%; in our world you will be qualified as drama queen or susceptible just because you focus on many things or you have opinions that might be different (i heard people calling me that way), but here it is i am me and i am sensitive, and i get offended just when something is late, and i don't care.

somehow i reached a point where you better accept me as i am (because i will always make an effort to be there for you in your own way), otherwise i don't need you in my life.

I don't want to make efforts anymore,

I am not perfect and will never be, but i am not an hypocrite

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Tomorrow I die!

 What if you are informed that tomorrow you will die? what would you do in the remaining 24hours?

what would be your last actions or activities? my favorite prayer to God is to ask about Housn elkhatima, to be successful at the end of this life.

if i am told the i got 24 hours then Game over, i would make a list of the people i would like to say bye to, the people i would like to see, obviously i cannot see everyone i know , but there are few i would love to have a last word with them.

i think i would try to be nicer than usual, just to be sure that my loved one would keep this image of me, i would eat sushi because it is my comfort food, i would say i love you to those that matter, i would smile to the people in the street, because somehow i have nothing to lose, i would feel free to say no when something is bothering me

i think we should all reconsider if we are doing the best for us and for the people around us, saying i love you, smile more, being nice should really be a normal daily life and not an exception because we have received a 24hours notice.

i used to say smile & be positive!! this is what we need most in our life

Monday, May 20, 2024

Happiness is small moments

 i cannot be happy all the time

actually it doesn't make sense to be happy all the time.

but there are moments that makes me euphoric, a song, a cloud, a discussion, a smile, a photo, happiness is small moments alone or with people that know how to reach your heart.

i am lucky to have people that don't ask anything from me but give me so much attention, love , connections, in moments i am not able to provide any energy, they rebuild me without me asking anything.

i am thankful to God for this kind of blessing, and i pray him to give me the strength to be there when they would need me.

being present and giving without expectation is a mindset, and this is me whenever everything is fine and yet when life get dark and my mind is overwhelmed, i cannot give no more, and at that moment i would need  all support i can get.

happiness these days is short, but i feel grateful for having it . elhamdoullah!!

Sunday, May 12, 2024

i thought i was healed

when you go through anxiety , and you hit the healing phase, you start hoping that everyday is just on step ahead to find yourself back.
obviously, it is not that easy, today is good the rest of the days are more complicated, and then one day, you get a continuous good feeling day after day.

and here you are facing life , strong , may be not as before but still it is cool, you are moving forward.
and out of nowhere, one day, you receive a message, you see something, you get a call, and your hands are shaking, your heart is racing, your breathing is not as smooth as usual.
and for a second you are scared, it is back, that bad feeling, the hurting emotion is back.... and just like that you welcome back the panic, and you wonder what can be done.

first of all, breathe, breathe loudly, if you have a support system call it, and the most important deconstruct  the situation by answering to the questions:
- what is bothering me?
- what can be the best responses?
- will i be ok if i don't give a response?
- why am i reacting this way?
by using the 5 why methods you should be able to get close to the real reason that made you feel bad .

this friday, i have answered a message in an honest way, doing so i have received an answer that made me feel bad, during a second i felt anxiety back, i felt that all my healing process was not finished.
just after that i had to drive and i almost was hit by  a car . at that moment i have decided that i won't care about all of this.
if anyone cannot understand my action of decision it is ok i should not feel as bad as that day.

anxiety doesn't go, it will be co-living with us; and in every stressful situation it might come back
so be strong what ever happen, and have a great support system

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Traveling the world


I love traveling and this blog was supposed to be about the 20 visited  countries, it ended up about my mental health ( it is a journey it should be ok right?)

i miss feeling the airport as my home, i miss hearing "ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking welcome on board...." I miss the continuous language switching, may be not the jetlag yeah... hihih!!!

traveling experience made me able to listen to people talking and focus on their story and their expereince, it showed me differences but also commun points

travelling helped me to build my culture and grow a profound respect for the people that take their personal time to know me or to show me around

in China i learned that if i go to the mountain i have to do as the people of the mountain ( this was the exact words my manager gave me when i arrived)

in Ethiopia i discovered that children in primary school believe that the pupil asking questions is a bad child so during class they are all quiet and shy

in Iran, i saw people happy to live their life, playing music in the garden and singing around

in Rwanda, i walked in the cleanest city in the world and i have been greeted by amazing smiles around

in Namibia, i learned to appreciate having dogs around and felt less scared

in Burundi, i swam in the river of crocodiles (i did not know before)

in peru, i loved dancing salsa with strangers in the street

every little detail is why i am this version of me, every country brought something in my life or even changed it.

May be one day i will be well organized and share the impact of each country!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

new resolution

 New Month

New Resolution

I have spend the last 30 days, listening to my emotions, to my body, crying out loud my pain and my sadness. enjoying alone time and being scared of loneliness.

yet i still focus on my breathing from time to time, because i feel overwhelmed.

i have decided to take decisions and stick to them:

- protect my energy: no more caring unconditionally

- focus on me all the time: if anything is bothering me, just leave with no regrets

- accept the fact that closest people may became the less connected to you and don't try to change it

i don't know if this will make me stronger or feel better, but somehow i need to work on it.

hopefully this new month, is the opportunity to bloom.

fiha kheir inchallah 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Alone Vs Lonely?


Being alone will bring the silence around you and will help you to reconstruct your soul, mind, heart and energy.

It's a process that needs time and strength to never give up.

Yet, sometimes alone became lonely and the silent  is too loud to help.

we don't know how to reach out in a clear manner when the silent is not convinient anymore, And yet ,God ,will send the most unexpected people to support you, to show you that you are loved. People that would call you a flagship, that would remind you of your internal flamme and energy or that would believe that you could achieve a lot.

Ah how I miss my energy

#Elhamdoullah for those people that came despite the barriers I have build, and took care of me when I couldn't express it.