Tuesday, May 18, 2021

we are not safe anymore!!

 being a woman is a gift and a curse

a woman is a life carrier, the heart of the home, the base of the family, but being a woman you will discover that every problem or bad situation might be your fault

4 women have been assaulted and raped for 2 hours in a government residency and no one heard anything, no one helped.

we are not safe anywhere !!

for many years already, i don;t go out, walking in the streets, or to the beach by myself, i cannot stand the unrespectful comments nor the behavior of a certain category of guys, but with what happened today, this means for me i cannot plan to work in another city of my country.

and i get scared by this situation, are we supposed to carrier arms to protect our selves are we supposed to be ready to fight 24/7? this amount of stress is unbelievable ... i might be an optimistic person with a lot of positive energy, but right now i am loosing hope in the future

Rabbi y djib elkheir 

1 comment:

  1. Hey my qst is are u participating in the isec program ?
    How did you visited abt 15 countries ?
