Hi my name is Djamila, i am not confident enough with myself.
Today, i had an amazing moment, i felt proud of myself, of who i am!!
let me explain:
2 years ago, i prepared a meeting with our partners to introduce to them new mandatory tranings and discuss ways of working, it was the first time i had to lead the meeting, and for sure i felt nervous and stressed.
yet i did the job, as good as i felt it was possible, today i have met someone who attended that meeting and who disappeared since,not knowing why,i assumed he moved to new position.
he explained to me that he had a heart attack, and he had to step down, but he mentioned also that after that meeting he went home and talked to his wife and children about me, saying that he was impressed by how i was leading the meeting and giving time to everyone to talk, and being able to combine the right ideas and answer without get nervous or angry since the people i had in front of me where a bit aggressive.
and just like that i felt like 2 years ago i made good impression, and obviously i need to keep working to keep it high.
and i realized that random feedback from time to time, positive or negative can help to improve and grow, so we should start asking our colleagues or manager how are we doing.
between me , myself and I , i have always been able to recognize that i have impostor syndrome , and today i was listening to Emma Chamberlain podcast about this subject and she defined 5 types of it and the one i felt i might be the closer is the expert imposter syndrome, when you believe that you must know everthing about a subject since you are the expert in the room, and this reminded me of the endless training, where people trying to block me on a specific question or knowledge, and me working hard every evening to get better at it and be able to answer all questions.
obviously it was not a healthy behavior, i ended up with a lot of unmanaged feelings.
Emma talked also about impostor syndrom in daily relationship, and i realized that i could relate to that, when the relationship is stable, and then may be something will happen, i will automatically think that i am not enough for the person, i am not doing enough to make to person happy and from that moment once again the confidence challenge is back.
i think there is a daily work to be done, to face the impostor syndrome, yet everyone of us needs to be honest with them self, and work in accepting our flows and improving day by day.
we don t need to be perfect, we need to be mindful with our self
i keep working!!