Monday, November 23, 2020

2020 the turning point....may be

 I have lost my job........

It has been 40 days , i was thinking it's ok, i am handling it well , and even if i am smiling everyday and working on what looks like my future, the information did not kick in yet.

in this pandemic situation, the transition from worker to jobless was quiet smooth, since i kept working in the same desk , on the same subject.

i wonder how it would have been if we were not working from home, i wonder if my empty desk would have been noticed, on that part since i used to travel a lot everyone get used to my empty chair.

for 15 years, i got excited to meet new customers, reach surprising destinations, and share my knowledge, and inside of me i am confused, am i able to do it all by myself, can i shine in front of people and help them to improve their skills

2020 has been a crazy year, i did not have big expectations, but just wished to be surprised, i think we can agree i got surprised.

facing this situation, i found myself overworking for 5 or 6 days in a row, then to wonder in my head and not being sure what is next.

it is stressful, loosing that kind of stability, i hear people saying this is a great opportunity to be a freelancer to start your own business to change your path, but do i want that?

i have always said, i work by pleasure and passion, and that is a luxury!!! is it time to take risk to do what i want by myself or to apply to that job i could never imagine going for.

the truth is i am confused, people are saying your have to go out of your comfort zone, but actually my comfrot zone is so big, and so comfy it's hard, i have been adding skills and knowledge to my comfort zone to enlarge it as much as possible, and i realize now that as big as i could imagine it , i can increase it, it all depends on me.

i don't know what i am going to do in the future, right now i am trying to get some training opportunities and see how the future is?

inchallah, 2020 is a turning point, i am sure it's a lesson teaching year!!!

keep safe , keep positive, keep smiling!!!