Sunday, September 22, 2024

wake me up when september end?

 how i loved green day songs and music? have you felt that september has been too long this year, i believe that i have done a lot, yes i am kind of proud of myself.

i have been working a lot during this period as every year,  i had awesome moments with friends and family , and i felt in peace ( quietness is good)

and this month is not over yet, does it mean that i need to take few days off? i don't know, i probably should, but if something i am sure is that the temperature has dropped compared to august and i already brought my warm jacket, yes yes i know, i have internal temperature issue, still i am freezing and it's september only.

seriously all this is written because i am a big fan of green day!!

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Good bye Summer

 End of August and somehow i feel it is the end of summer, knowing Algeria i am sure we still have a few number of hot days still, it feels like i should be on the starting block and be ready for the last 4 months of the year.

i feel happy elhamdoullah, i had a quiet productive summer, i could see my personal improvement on the day to day achievement.

i am thinking to take a couple of days off to recharge, who knows where?

I wonder!!

anyways let's get motivated to finish 2024 with love and success and obvisouly a couple of new destinations

Keep positive keep smiling!!

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Inner Peace

 Sometimes, we struggle to understand the voices we have inside of us, and the moment these voices became too loud and take the lead, we will feel overwhelmed, tired and may be depressed.

these days i am in love with the voices inside me, i feel we are on the same level, i feel that inner peace, taking time for me, sharing with my closest friends, spending time with my nephew and niece are the main reasons.

May be also because i made peace with the love of my life, and we are able to exchange without blame or judgment.

when your mind get excited because of a certain blue of the sky, because of a tasty cookie or just happy to plan a party, life is full simple things that will bring moments of happiness.

Life won't be perfect but one imperfection at a time, and we will get through it.

give love around you, give energy to the people requesting it, and just keep moving, 

be positive keep smiling!!

Thursday, August 15, 2024

sunny day, sunny life

 do you know sunflowers? i feel that i am one of them, i need sun in my life, i need sun in my day

summertime is my season, my continuous happy moment, even though with all this climate change, summer is more yellow sky then blue, sun is playing hide and seek with clouds and feels shy to shine big and strong.

there are moments i feel that i get attached to everything or everyone, and the sun is one of my emotional attachment that makes me feel bad when i cannot see it.

during winter time i feel my mood swing so fast and most of the time i don't get it, until i focus though the window and realize that there was no sun for a couple of days.

this morning it was quiete hard to live the bed, but when i went out i found the perfect blue sky with small clouds i should have taken that picture, the weather has changed so fast in less than 3 hours, dark cloud took all the space, and no more blue sky nor shiny sun, i am still grateful for being able to notice all of this.

i might feel as a sunflower but i am aware that life is a mix of blue sky and cloudy one, and he most important is to enjoy both of them

happy sunny day!! 

Monday, July 8, 2024

In Love

I love you, I neeed you Nelly i Love you I do, this is one of my most favorite song love for me is a feeling that must be shared by people having the same values, vision or even interest.
I felt in Love several times in my life, it could be with places, with songs even with food and of course with people.
Love is what makes me feel alive and happy, Love is when you see that special person and all the electrons in your body start running around
Love is a simple moment of understanding when you cross his/her eyes
Love is meeting at the airport after 11 years and confuse breathing with crying and smiling
Love is changing/adapting your plans to see the other, Love is understanding that we cannot agree on everything but we respect everyone
Love is commiting to be the best for you and the other, Love is reducing the walking pace to enjoy every second
Love is also listening more than talking
it took me 14 years to reach these points
I feel happy with love

Sunday, June 9, 2024

the more you, you are??

 I am a big fan of Trevor Noah, his book, his shows or comedy i just love it, he has an amazing way to describe any situations and i just end up laughing!!

Today, i heard a sentence the more you you are , the fewer people you will get around you, the more standard you are you will attract a bunch of people, but may be for a shorter time.

who can really afford to be himself 100%; in our world you will be qualified as drama queen or susceptible just because you focus on many things or you have opinions that might be different (i heard people calling me that way), but here it is i am me and i am sensitive, and i get offended just when something is late, and i don't care.

somehow i reached a point where you better accept me as i am (because i will always make an effort to be there for you in your own way), otherwise i don't need you in my life.

I don't want to make efforts anymore,

I am not perfect and will never be, but i am not an hypocrite

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Tomorrow I die!

 What if you are informed that tomorrow you will die? what would you do in the remaining 24hours?

what would be your last actions or activities? my favorite prayer to God is to ask about Housn elkhatima, to be successful at the end of this life.

if i am told the i got 24 hours then Game over, i would make a list of the people i would like to say bye to, the people i would like to see, obviously i cannot see everyone i know , but there are few i would love to have a last word with them.

i think i would try to be nicer than usual, just to be sure that my loved one would keep this image of me, i would eat sushi because it is my comfort food, i would say i love you to those that matter, i would smile to the people in the street, because somehow i have nothing to lose, i would feel free to say no when something is bothering me

i think we should all reconsider if we are doing the best for us and for the people around us, saying i love you, smile more, being nice should really be a normal daily life and not an exception because we have received a 24hours notice.

i used to say smile & be positive!! this is what we need most in our life