Monday, May 19, 2014

Facts about me

12 facts about me:
1. I love travelling, moving around the world, and getting used to new life
2. I enjoy walking for the whole day on sunny days without having a lunch break ( it’s a waste of time for me, especially if my schedule is tight)
3. My perfect week end, would be to stay in bed having a TV series marathon
4. I love Sushi, I can eat it 3 times a day without complain
5. I can get angry but the moment i say it out loud am fine ( forgive very quickly)
6. I hate picnics, or any events with food and nature ( don’t ask me why I have no idea)
7. I hate people asking questions when they already know the answer
8. The worst season for me is the winter, I get depressed and bad mood
9. Friendship is very important and doesn’t mean I need to talk to you all the time
10. I started learning different languages because it is a passion to understand people around me
11. Dancing is a second nature for me.
12. I’m African first, Algerian and Muslim.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Startup Women Weekend Maghreb!!

Have you ever imagine creating your own startup?
do you have any idea that can be a startup?
these are the questions you have to ask your self to be part of this event, and obviously you need to be a woman!!

I am in total admiration of these ladies coming from Algeria, Tunisia, & Morroco to be part of this first SWWM, to spend 54 hours in a room to develop their buisness plan, and pitch their ideas.
I feel i'm not courageous enough to put my self in this situation.
I can just imagine the pressure and stress that each one of them is feeling, luckily coaches and mentors are there around to meet everybody, to guide them and share their expereince.

After the SWWM, winning or not the competition, each one of them will feel grown up , each one of them will go back home with more knowledge, new friends and the satisfaction of giving their best in a project they beleived in.

I wish all of them a good luck for another sleepless night!!