Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The power of the dance!!

as far as i go back on time, i always remember myself dancing, my father playing music or watching spanish tv and me dancing, it was just a second nature.

i grow up with the rythme, i learned to understand it, and to follow it by learning to read music, which was a lovely time spent with my father.

but then ive never taken classes till last year and never really went to parties, ive always been a house girl, reading a lot and spreading my imagination in books.

then working started with the travelling, meeting new people, and being surprised with cultures and traditions.
Since my trip to south africa, i dance on regular basis, and it brought a new addiction to my life, if dancing has always been a sport or an art for me, it became my best stress relieve and more than that it's my dopamine source, that happiness hormon that help to balance the body.

when i stand up to dance and i get the perfect connection with my partner, so i am able to lose the controle, and follow every little sign , at that moment i smile and i relax, and even if the dance is difficult, because of the spinning, and the balance on the heels, and the rythme of the song might be high, i still enjoy it, it will push me to get the skills, to listen, to feel, to really connect.

durng my last trips to china, i enjoyed dancing with people i don;t know, i check first if they can lead, then i ask them for a dance, one guy was amazingly professional, when we danced together i felt dying because of the speed of the spinning and the way he trusted me with figures and routine ive never done before, but it was an awesome challenge to learn and improve.

dancing does make me feel better, happier, cutter ...from salsa, bachata to kizomba, as long as the person can make me dance, i am always in!!!!

I do matter....

most of the time, when people would meet me, their first impression would be related to my smile, or that i talk too much or may be that i am friendly, but it would takes them longer to see underneath and realize that i might be more emotions and character.

last year, i spent a long time in south africa, ive met a lot of people, some are my friends and others are just a family that i don;t see everyday, but i had a friend who after a nice dinner and a deep conversation told me that i matter, i was confused, when i heard this, i knew that my opinion matters, my choices matter, but what would it mean that I MATTER.

it took me some time to think and realize that he meant, my life matters, wow!! at that moment i liked it, and i felt happy, that somebody would realize this, but then i started reviewing my life and ive seen how i don;t give that much importance to my life and i don;t make myself matter.

Ive always said, i am who i am, i have a strong character and i like adventure, surprises and happy life, but then i did not make the best choices, i didn't take decisions on time, which made my life or my situation pretty bad for me, because for the people around me everything was going well, but i was the one suffereing.

so i realized how wrong i was, what ever my reasons are, i should consider my happiness as the first condition, and more important i should accept and without guilt that i matter.

i still make the wrong decisions, but at least i know that i am important in this life.

now if i do something , it's first for me, to make me happy, then for others.

one day i might find the person that i can consider as the right one, and for whom i might consider changing my choices but till then i am the one who matters!!!