Friday, January 11, 2019

Being positive!!! ( i wrote it on 17/08/2015)

I have been fighting my whole life to bring positive thinking from people around me.  

The fact that I believe that positive brings positive does push me to smile more and focus on people well being. But still,  is it enough? 

On a daily basis,  being positive what ever the circumstances are,  this is a difficult exercise,  it means we have the aptitude to look over our own sadness and be and focus on happiness only.
many people with say that i am not realistic and more a dreamer, yes i am a dreamer but i am realistic, i know the difficulties that we have to face everyday, trafficjam , everything is getting expensive, paying the rent every end of year, salary is not enough till the end of the month, it costs and arm to have children..... but honestly does enumerating all of this can make you feel well, or bring solutions to your life?
i may make a list of all what is bothering me everyday, but only to find the matching solution, to work on it , or to find the positive part of it.
and by the end of the day when everything went wrong, the positive feeling is elhamdoullah i am alive, and i will live till tomorrow to make it better inchallah.

i do feel all the problems around but if i can make you smile, you just made my day

2018 the year i felt in love with myself!!!

It took me time to accept myself as i am.....
I started the new year stargazing in the desert of Dubai with my best friend, learning about astronomy , far from the fast of lights and loud music, i wanted a low and quiet beginning, focusing on the essential.
i was in love by that day, i was believing that i have found the person that could share my energy, my love and my life, but with time and a lot of hurting i realized that my energy , my love and my life should be focus on myself .
so i have decided to work harder but to get a life, so i re-organized my work to be more efficient during working time ( i started using earphones with my favorite music essentially heavy metal to be disconnected from the environment and focus on the job) so i did not have to work extra time.
i changed my diet, i have lost weight in 2017 but i wanted to maintain it, so no more junk food at least not everyday, i started my day with oatmeal with fruits, peanut butter and yogurt , and when possible whole grain bread, for lunch i would go for yogurt and fruit and dinner since it's the only moment with my family i would eat anything my mom would prepare in the smallest quantity possible, obviously i have started drinking till 2 liters of water per day.
i went back to the gym
i started taking car of my skin, and hairs, going back to the dentist and making sure that i keep my smile on.
if i started looking fit and may be younger ( according to my family, because for me i am still fat , when i was younger i have been told that i had big bones and i still believe that), i then needed to work on the inside.
so i registered to be coach in the maximum events for young people, i wanted to give back to the community , i needed to share my energy and see if it can impact people.
i realized that sometimes, you try to be helpful and people don;t need it or don;t want it or just are not at the point to understand what you doing .
so i found myself obliged to adapt to every single person i met, and it was hard, sometimes i did not have the best way to manage it, but this is life a continuous learning.
ans suddenly i started receive love back , people asked me for suggestions or advises, people were happy to listening to me.
i have the impostor guilt feeling, what ever i do in my mind was normal and actually was not important, but the image of myself that i got back from every person i met was different from what i so, and at that moment i felt happy to be me.
what ever i did for the students or for the people around made sense, and even if i was exhausted , it was always worth it.

accepting who i am was  my 2018 challenge, when i saw the last speech i have done for the ELIP Connect camp, i think i have succeeded, elhamdoullah

May 2019 be as crazy as 2018 and much more productive!!