Thursday, June 20, 2013

China .....a new experience

I ve been going to China for already 8 years but this time the experience was more different, it was all about making myself happier.
Of course I met new people some of them are going to be friends forever , some others just passing around, I've learnt that happiness come by accepting that you can be a better person everyday.
Sleeping on the idea that tomorrow is another day will not make things better, but pushing yourself everyday to go beyond your limit this is way better.
I've learnt to enjoy the minimum comfort, not to look for crazy life all the time.spending one day relaxing and slowing down will make you feel safer and ready to face the new week.

After 3 years, I started running, out of the gym, this is a real miracle for me, but I felt myself again, I felt ready to catch the world, the first day was difficult the running part of the up road almost killed my breathing, but after a week, I felt ready to run all by my self and faster, to make all of this possible I had an amazing coach, that have been able to understand what was wrong with me without talking a lot.

Am looking forward to continue exercising once home. I believe I need a good plan.

I met people from Sudan, Sri Lanka , Afghanistan , Equatorial Guinea , Tajikistan , Libya, and others...everyone of them showed me that we can find good people everywhere
I've seen that giving a simple smile will make people feel better, and appreciate you.
I discovered that facing a new day of work is not that hard when you are on the right environment.

When you enter a classroom to teach theory or practice , it's amazing how people can look T you with admiration and respect, and this is the feeling that push me everyday to be a better trainer.
I left china, but my heart and mind are full of feelings and  energy to fight for what I like.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Dragon boat festival

A new weekend, a new festival .... 5days off and no plans, I wonder why I don t have a Chinese calender to prepare for these daysoff.
We are having a hot wet sunny weather, we have to expect one million people at the beach, because of this we will have to pack some food in advance. It s gonna be funny

China again!!

The life's passion

Here I'm again in china, I was thinking that by the 8th time I would have been tired of coming here, but it seems to be the charm.
Everytrip is different, there is always something new in this city, the face of shenzhen is changing month after month, new shops, new bridges, new hotel or high building.
Every trip new people around, new smiles.
Chinese are very friendly, and nice even if they will always try to cheat you on the prices but who can blame them hihihih.
I've seen a little boy today, I just felt in love, it was 3 months, his skin was very smooth, and even is 3 months is very young he was smiling to me, I wanted to take him with me, to walk around, it's a weird feeling, but it made me feel happy.
China became my second home and for sure I do enjoy it every time I come, it can bring to me the life's passion.