Wednesday, June 19, 2013

China again!!

The life's passion

Here I'm again in china, I was thinking that by the 8th time I would have been tired of coming here, but it seems to be the charm.
Everytrip is different, there is always something new in this city, the face of shenzhen is changing month after month, new shops, new bridges, new hotel or high building.
Every trip new people around, new smiles.
Chinese are very friendly, and nice even if they will always try to cheat you on the prices but who can blame them hihihih.
I've seen a little boy today, I just felt in love, it was 3 months, his skin was very smooth, and even is 3 months is very young he was smiling to me, I wanted to take him with me, to walk around, it's a weird feeling, but it made me feel happy.
China became my second home and for sure I do enjoy it every time I come, it can bring to me the life's passion.

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