Saturday, December 19, 2015

Facts about Uganda

1) Uganda is the Pearl of Africa
2) Uganda is one of the countries where power coverage is less than 20%
3) When you want to meet somebody right now it’s better to say “ Now Now”
4) Boda-Boda is the real transportation mode for Ugandans in towns
5) The Source of the Nile is in Uganda
6) Ugandan are very friendly people and extremely caring
7) Mobile Money is well implemented in the country and the best way to send and receive money directly from your phone with fees lower than banks
8) There are differnt types of bananas, the small sweet, the big sweet, the one to cook and green bananas obviously they all have names and I am not able to remember them
9) The official language is English and Swahili has jst been introduced to become one of them. Luganda is largely spoken in the central region and ton centers.
10) There is a President of Uganda but also a kings of different tribes, Buganda being one of the kingdoms where Luganda is spoken mainly.
11) When visiting the country you can see so many languages on the panels: English of course but Chinese, Arabic, French.
12) Every Ugandan will have an English name as first name and African name as Family Name , Tradition from the colonial time
13) In Uganda, you might be Christian, muslim or Hidou, you will be respected, and not judged for your religion.
14) Uganda is an Auto Sufficient country, having a very fertile land, fresh vegetables and fruits are a must
15) Kampala is on 7 hills, so you better a be a good driver , otherwise you might be blocked on a steep street.
16) Rule number one if you drive, don’t knock anyone and don’t get knocked , otherwise it will take you at least 3 hours for the police to show up
17) Security is a real concern in Uganda, Working hard to face potential terrorist attacks
18) Christmas is one of the most important celebration of the year
19) The weather is from raining to hot temperature variation during the year is very small, min around 14 max 28 degrees.
20) Most of Ugandan would buy Power bundles according to their needs, which makes it easier to control the budget.
21) Kampala can get foggy
22) Even if situation is not always ok , Ugandans joke a lot and bring good environment
23) Shotguns are everywhere , every security guard will have one either in an office building or at a residence
24) Whatsapp is the chatting application
25) Even if muslims  are less than 15%  of the population, there are enough mosque to hear Azhan almost everywhere
26) Sometimes when family is organizing a party or a dinner and planning to invite muslim guest, the slaughtering will be done by a muslim
27) Betting is a serious deal, Ugandan might spend a lot of time on their weekends betting on games
28) Because of the big water spaces, Uganda have a big variety of birds.
29) When you go to supermarket, you gonna pay attention when you buying chips, it might be different dry fruits chips
30) No plastic bag at the supermarket, only paper bag to keep a clean environment

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