Thursday, February 14, 2019

I have been told

I have been told that I don’t have dreams I just have goals, and somehow that’s true, I will never dream to have a lomborghini since I know that it cost more than what I can get for a whole life, but I would want to get a nice and comfy car that totally I can afford, but it’s also because I have been lucky to reach my craziest wishes.
1)      Skydive in dubai
2)      See and play with dolphins
3)      Bungee jump in Soweto
4)      Take a helicopter flight
5)      Visit newyork
6)      Watch a broadway show
7)      Be part of an international salsa festival
8)      Learn a martial art
9)      Run a 10k in different cities of the world
10)   Play with elephants and giraffes
I know that the low of attraction is very important and basically if you want something , you can make all the chances from your side and get ready to get it.
But in reality my first goal, wish or dream is happiness, is having that accomplishment feeling and feeling comfortable with yourself.Elhamdoullah

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